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VIM - Delete every lines

Posted: Jul 18, 2020 | Reading time: 2 min
⚠️ Warning: This post is over a year old, the information may be out of date.
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It been awhile since my last project (warehouse stock system) in Korea almost 1 years ago, I have been idle because no projects comes in.

Lot of self learning, administration, attend training and etc to kill the time. So this means, I have free time to learn something advance with VIM.

Maybe some of you don’t know what is vim. In short this is text editor on your terminal (unix-terminal) and capable to do lot of thing if you know how to use.

In this episode, I want to share how I deleting every lines on current existing file via vim and it works for me ( Thank to Alvin Alexander for tips). To delete all lines in vim, insert this command:


This vim “delete all lines” command can be read like this:

The : character starts vim’s “last line mode.” The 1 means, “starting at line 1” The ,$ means, “until the end of the file” The d means, “delete” After typing the command, you need to hit the [enter] key, and when you do so, all lines in the file will be deleted.

Well i just re-post the same thing from Alvin Alexander. All creadit goes to him.

For your information, I have 3 trick how to wipe up all lines inside text file. One is what i share above and the other 2 techniques is using pressing gg and then dG but it not always for for every version of vim editor. The last one is nullify the file using cat /dev/null > target_file but this command is dangerous if mistake happen, it much better to use first technique so I will open, view and confirm what inside my text file and nuke it…bomb!.. remove all lines!!!


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