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.Net core - punch card system (prototype)

Posted: Nov 2, 2020 | Reading time: 2 min
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I saw my wife struggling checking punch card or we call it as “perakam waktu” in Malay. She need to read and count worker working hour and some of punch card quality and hard to read, it getting worse when punch card machine have lower ink toner.

She use excel spreadsheet to keep track the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly attandance record. I really don’t get why her boss don’t want to buy electronic programmable attandance system. I feel pity to my wife because she strugging every end of month and 7 days of 1st week every month to prepare worker salary from this data.

Looking at this problem, I give a purposal to create attandance system with device with cheap price but she said, her boss are not interested. Hurmm..

Anyway, I create a desktop application using visual studio IDE with C# (.net core 3.1.9) to help my wife do the working hour calculation.

I show this prototype to my wife but currently she busy with his work, nvm. The prototype I created have few functionality such as :

  • Working calendar generator with configurable starting day
  • Key-in working time with time picker
  • Working hour calculation per days
  • Save result as text file on desktop

If you interest, I push it on my github repository, you can grab from here. Sorry for the mess source code. I just play around with C# during development :P


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